Monday, June 17, 2013

Separated : Our First

Being a career mother, I always make it a point to stay away from possible appointments and activities that would lead me to not sleeping at home during nighttime.   With our little girl still breastfeeding and would not be able to sleep at night without me on her side, these situations left me no choice.

But now, I could no longer escape from certain responsibilities at work.   I was told that I will be attending a 5-day seminar-workshop and this means to be separated from my little girl during sleeping time since the venue is a 2-hour travel from home and the activity ends at around 7 PM.

Today is the first night of being away from my little darling and I feel so incomplete.   Separation anxiety?  Hubby promised that he will take care of our little girl.   I am just fervently praying that he will extend his patience since our angel is such a cry baby and sometimes bratty.

Now, I am preparing to sleep and I just wish that our little girl is sleeping soundly now.   Mama misses you so much already, our angel.   Hubby, thank you for looking and taking care of our angel every time I'm away.

I love you both until the end of my lifetime.

Do you have any experience like mine? Share it and I would love to hear it...

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